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Faculty Services

Research Services for Faculty

The reference librarians are available to provide a wide variety of services to faculty. We are happy to consult with you on your research questions, plan a research strategy, and help locate relevant materials in primary and secondary sources. Other research services include preparing bibliographies, compiling legislative histories and tracking proposed legislation. We can also assist you with the use of current awareness services, and keep you apprised of developments in pending litigation. We are well-versed in searching both legal and non-legal materials in print and electronic formats. For larger-scale projects, we can work with your research assistants to provide training and guidance, devise research strategies and identify useful sources.

In addition to research assistance, we also are glad to help with posting scholarship to faculty SSRN pages and Scholastica. We are available to provide training on any of the library research databases, and can assist with the creation of course TWEN pages.

For classroom support, we can help devise customized research instruction for your courses in a number of ways, including:

  • Law library tours and basic library skills training

  • Hands on research sessions in the library (best for 20 or fewer)

  • Print and electronic resource guides

  • Classroom presentations

  • Research consultation services for students and project teams

We encourage you to request classroom services as frequently as the need arises. At least one-week’s notice is appreciated, to ensure the most efficient allocation of resources to your request.

The reference staff would be happy to discuss your ideas and suggestions for support services not described above. Whenever you have a question, please email, or stop by the Reference Room for an in-person consultation.

Hours *
  • Monday - Thursday, 10am - 6pm

* Hours change during summer and intersession. 

Research Guides

Current Awareness

Reference librarians can also assist you with setting up email alerts for a variety of publications. Contact to discuss email alerts.

Selected Research Databases

CUA Catalogs & Databases