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Faculty Services

The Librarian in the Classroom Program

The LIC program provides the faculty with additional support for their curricular needs. Qualified reference librarians are available to teach research skills, either at a general level or on specialized legal topics, to classes or seminar groups. In addition, library staff can provide tours of the library for individual classes.  

In addition to lecturing, the librarian will usually provide the students and faculty with PowerPoint slideshows, bibliographies, and other materials produced in connection with the presentation. If you have any questions related to this program, please email Kristina Martinez.

To schedule a librarian session in your classroom:

  • Contact Kristina Martinez at least a week prior to the class.
  • Please provide as much detail as possible regarding the content to be covered in class.
  • If relevant, provided topics for assigned student papers or a copy of the course syllabus.

These are some examples of classes in which the library staff have recently participated:

  • Conflict of Laws
  • Administrative Law
  • Remedies
  • Elder Law Clinic
  • Innocence Project Clinic
  • Professional Responsibility
  • LSP
  • MLS (Introduction to US Law)