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Current Index to Legal Periodicals

Current Index to Legal Periodicals (CILP) is a weekly topical index of the most recent issues of nearly 650 primarily American legal journals, organized into 104 subject headings.

How to Access CILP in HeinOnline

Electronic subscribers to the publication receive the full text of the most recent CILP issue on most Mondays of the year. Subscribers may download the CILP issue in various file formats directly in the HeinOnline interface. The files are available in a dedicated database, along with the entire archive of CILP issues.

SmartCILP is a current awareness tool for legal scholars, providing tailored alerts delivered via email as a personalized supplement to the weekly CILP issue. After setting up a SmartCILP profile, individuals will begin to receive a weekly notification that lists the most recent material available within their chosen subjects or journals. All SmartCILP notifications include direct full-text linking to HeinOnline's Law Journal Library.

Off-Campus Access Via Email
If you click on a CILP or SmartCILP link in your email, you'll be directed to a login screen. Under Access Through Your Institution, type catholic and select Catholic University DuFour Law Library (OpenAthens). Note: MyHein accounts cannot be used to access to HeinOnline.