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Staying Current With SSRN

SSRN’s subscribe feature is an easy way to keep abreast of current scholarship.  SSRN eJournals are emails that contain abstracts of papers submitted to SSRN within the past year. Each email contains up to twelve abstracts that include title, authors, and a link to the full text paper (when available on SSRN). The number of eJournal emails sent to subscribers each week depends on the number of papers that are received by SSRN in that particular subject area.

Subscriptions to individual journals within a network are sometimes available at no cost. To see which journals within a network are free, follow these steps:

  1. Go to subscriptions
  2. Under each network name is a link that says "click here to subscribe to journals in this network"
  3. Click that link to see all the journals in that network. Journals in blue are free.