Access to the law library is controlled by your CUA ID. Hold your ID in front of the card scanner outside the law library to enter.
The University's new printing program, Cardinal Printing, provides a number of options for printing. To get started:
The Law Library's Cardinal Printing machines are named:
Alternative Printer Options
Connect your laptop to printers via USB cables at the following locations:
Copier/scanner/printers are located in Rooms 228 and 426:
Scanning to Email
NOTE: Gmail limits attachment sizes to 25MB.You may need to break your scan into smaller scans.
Monday - Friday: 10am - 6pm
If you need to meet with a research librarian outside of the hours available here please contact us at Hours change for holidays, summer, and intersession. Check the Library Calendar for reference hours.
Reference Librarians have the knowledge and experience to help you with your information and research needs! Reference Librarians can help you locate information and resources, guide you through the research process, teach you how to use online databases, help you evaluate resources, and provide assistance with citation managers and style guides
Monday - Thursday: 8am - 6:30pm
Friday: 10am - 6pm