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1L & New Student Survival Guide

A guide to Law Library resources and services for new students at the Columbus School of Law


The Judge Kathryn J. DuFour Law Library welcomes our incoming J.D. (classes of 2027 and 2028), M.L.S., LL.M, and transfer students!

The materials on this page will help orient you to the library, its collections, and its services. This guide includes information about getting ready for class, getting online, and getting the most out of the library resources during your first days and weeks in law school.  We're here to help so please don't hesitate to ask us if you have any questions.


The Law Library: An Integral Part of Your Legal Education

The services and resources of the Kathryn J. DuFour Law Library are dedicated to helping you make the transformation from student to lawyer.  The Library offers an array of hands-on opportunities to gain exposure to the legal research databases and print services employed by law firms, government agencies, and non-profits around the country, thereby ensuring you are equipped with the essential research skills needed to make you practice ready.  The personal level of service offered by the Library staff focuses on providing a welcoming and supportive environment that fosters learning.  Your curricular and research library needs are supported by an experienced, professional staff who are committed to assisting you throughout your legal education.  The Library recognizes a special commitment to student scholarship, a proud tradition of CUA Law, and an unparalleled advantage for our students and alumni.

Course Sites & Research Databases

Westlaw/TWEN: A registration code for Westlaw/TWEN will be included in an email sent to all 1Ls during orientation.  Once you have registered you will be able to access the Westlaw legal research database.  The same password will also provide you with access to TWEN (The West Educational Network), the course management system used by most of your faculty*.  TWEN is similar to Blackboard and other course management systems used in higher education around the country, but is designed specifically for legal education.  

Please note, your faculty might post reading assignments in advance of the first day of class, so be sure you can access TWEN by the end of orientation. 

Lexis+A site code for Lexis+ will be included in an email sent to all 1Ls  during orientation.  The Lexis+ site code is also available on the Law Library TWEN site. Once you have created your own account you will be able to access the Lexis+ legal research database.

If you do not receive an email containing your Westlaw/TWEN and Lexis+ information during orientation please contact the Reference Department at


*Some Law School faculty may employ Brightspace as their course management system.  To access Brightspace please go to the link below and enter your Catholic University network credentials.

Other Useful Library Guides & Links