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Library Publications

A collection of the publications authored and compiled by the staff of the Judge Kathryn J. DuFour Law Library.

2016 Student Survey: Library Response

Survey findings
Library response

Thanks go to our students for providing valuable feedback on library services, resources and facilities. In particular, thanks go to the graduating students who responded. As a graduate you may not directly benefit from the results of the survey; however, by participating you are helping to make the law library a better facility for future CUA law students.

We’ve analyzed the results and read each and every comment submitted. Over the coming weeks, we’ll use the survey results to help us improve the services and resources that you have identified as being important to you.

Findings from the 2016 survey include:
  • Twenty-one percent of law students participated in the survey (73% day, 21% evening, 3% MLS, 1% LL.M)
  • Library use remains strong, with 82% of respondents reporting that they use the library daily or several times a week.
  • Use of library printers and computers rose 10% from 2014.
  • Students seeking assistance from library staff rose 12% from 2014.
  • Satisfaction with library staff remained strong despite reductions in staffing.
  • New resources and initiatives were well-received.
  • Students rely heavily on the library for technology and technology assistance.
  • Student satisfaction with library facilities improved across all areas.

For complete findings, see the executive summary and raw data above.

Library Response

While students are satisfied overall, there are a number of areas of concern, including issues with wireless printing, and undergraduates using the library. These two concerns, along with a number of other issues and our responses to them, are discussed below.


Seventy-five percent of respondents indicate they have trouble printing wirelessly. Comments indicate that this is often due to network password-reset issues. Network passwords and methods of wireless printing are under the control of CUA Technology Services. The library staff is researching ways to streamline network access and wireless printing, but new methods must conform with University requirements. Please see the law library's Technology Basics guide and CUA Technology Services for more information about passwords and printing.

Undergraduate Use of the Library

A number of students complained about undergraduates using the library, particularly during the fall 2015 exam period. The law school administration and law library are working together to alleviate this problem and plan to have some changes in place for the fall 2016 semester. We ask that law students use their cardinal cards to enter the law library. This makes it much easier for staff to enforce access policies.


Eighty-five percent of respondents rated the library noise level as excellent or good. We did receive a few complaints about noise in the comments section. The library has three zones, Silent (no conversations, no phone calls), Quiet (low-volume conversations, no phone calls), and Social (normal-volume conversations, phone calls permitted). The Silent zones are located at the west end of all three floors (area from the printer rooms to the windows that face the Pryz). Please be courteous to your fellow students when you are in the Silent zones. The only Social zone is on Floor 2 (east end, area from the printer room to the library entrance).

Library Hours

The majority of respondents (80 - 95%) are satisfied with the library's hours. A few students requested later weekend hours, 24-hour access, and earlier weekday access. Due to security concerns, 24-hour access and access prior to 7:30 am is not possible at this time. The law library administration will consider extending weekend hours, based on usage.

Library Facility

Temperature: temperature has been a consistent concern of students since we began conducting surveys in 2004. In the 2016 survey, 53% of respondents rated the library temperature as fair or poor, a decrease of 13% from 2014. Comments indicate that some students find the library too cold.  The temperature in the library (and in much of the law school) is centrally controlled by CUA Facilities and set to fall in the 68 – 72 degree range. This range is set by the University and cannot be changed. Library staff monitor the temperature regularly and report any problems to CUA Facilities immediately, however library staff members are unable to change the temperature. CUA Facilities will not respond to a complaint of cold temperatures unless the temperature falls below 65 degrees.

Study Chairs: 86% of respondents rated the study chairs as excellent or good. We did receive several comments indicating the chairs are uncomfortable. While it's not possible to replace the study chairs at this time, we plan to add more casual, low seating over the summer.

Student Services
  • An additional student lounge will be created on Floor 2 during the summer.
  • Additional casual seating will be added throughout the library during the summer.
  • Additional audio study aids have been purchased and are located in the Reference Room for a 1-week checkout.
  • Students can now see which graded exams are available for review. Go to the Exam Preparation tab on the Academic Skills guide for the list (see link below).
  • Survey results indicate that students are unaware of a number of resources, including bar prep materials, library guides, and academic skills materials. The law library will work on making students more aware of these and other resources.
  • The library will consider a number of suggestions, including a subscription to Quimbee, required texts for more courses, library presentations, and standing desks.

Even though the survey has ended we still want to hear from you. If you have any questions or comments you can always email or speak to any staff member in person. Thank you for providing input and making your library a better facility.