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Frank Lorson (1943-2013)

Frank Lorson  (CUA Law Class of 1971 & Past Member of the Board of Visitors):  An Exhibit  

Francis (Frank) J. Lorson, a native of Rochester, New York, initially attended Catholic University as an undergraduate (1961-1966) where he obtained a B.A. in American History.  In 1968 Mr. Lorson entered CUA Law.  In law school Frank was elected to the Moot Court board and won a commendation for appellate argument.  He was chancellor of the Appellate Moot Court program from 1970 to 1971, and was director of the Sutherland Cup Appellate Moot Court Competition in 1970 and 1971 (now the Seigenthaler-Sutherland Cup National First Amendment Moot Court Competition).  In addition, Frank was named coordinator for the National Moot Court Competition in 1970.  Frank graduated from CUA Law in 1971. Frank’s connection to CUA Law continued in later life as he became a longtime member of the Law School’s Board of Visitors.   Following graduation from CUA Law, Frank Lorson joined the staff of the Supreme Court of the United States in January 1972 when he was appointed Assistant Clerk of the Court.  He held this position at the Court until April of 1974 when he was promoted to Deputy Clerk.  In January 1981 Chief Justice Warren E. Burger announced the appointment of Frank to the position of Chief Deputy Clerk of the Supreme Court, a position he held throughout the rest of his tenure at the Court.  Frank retired from the Court on September 1, 2002 after more than 30 years of service.   In the mid 1990’s Frank Lorson  applied his extensive knowledge and expertise of court administration to the court systems of the former eastern bloc counties. Working with groups such as the ABA’s  Central European and Eurasian Law Institute (CEELI), now known as the Rule of Law Initiative (ROLI), Frank visited a number of countries including the Russian Federation, Slovenia, Ukraine, Latvia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.   Frank Lorson passed away on January 11, 2013, at the age of 69.  The Columbus School of Law was among the chief beneficiaries of the estate left by Frank. The extensive collection of his papers was divided between the Supreme Court Historical Society and the Kathryn J. DuFour Law Library at CUA Law.  The papers at CUA have been indexed by the Library staff and are available to researchers upon request.   Looking back over Frank’s illustrious career, it can perhaps be said that no other member of the CUA Law community, past or present, has had as much of an impact on the workings of the nation’s highest court. 

This mid-60's photo was taken from The Tower, CUA's student Newspaper.  Frank Lorson is in the middle with glasses.

Exhibit Contents

Contents of Cabinet 1

1. Letter from Vice-President Hubert Humphrey to Frank Lorson (9/27/67)

2. CUA J.D. Diploma awarded to Frank Lorson (5/15/71)

3. District of Columbia Bar admission certificate (12/10/71)

4. Official appointment to position of Chief Deputy Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States(1/19/81)

5. Photograph with Chief Justice Warren E. Burger (undated)

6. Annotated list of job duties for position of Chief Deputy Clerk (undated)

7. Supreme Court of the United States Bar Admission certificate (6/30/86)


Contents of Cabinet 2

1. Photograph with Associate Justice Stephen Breyer at his investiture ceremony (10/94)

2. Photograph with Associate Justice Sandra Day O’Connor (undated)

3. Photograph with Associate Justice Lewis Powell (undated)

4. Get well card from Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (undated)

5. Invitation to Ukraine from the Rule of Law Initiative (4/23/88)

6. Documents related to Frank Lorson’s work in Eastern Europe

7. Invitation from the U.S. Ambassador to Ireland, Jean Kennedy Smith (undated)

8. Frank Lorson retirement memorandum (8/2/02)

9. Letter from Associate Justice Sandra Day O’Connor to Frank upon his retirement (8/2/02)