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Collection Services for Faculty

The Collection Services Department is responsible for acquisitions, cataloging, subscriptions, and the processing of library materials.

General Policy

If the requested item falls outside the scope of the Law Library's collection, is prohibitively expensive, or unreasonably duplicates existing resources, prior approval from the Law Library Director will be required.

All Library purchase decisions, including course reserves and faculty research support, are subject to the Library's collection development policy and budgetary constraints.

Books purchased from Library funds are CUA property.  CUA policy prohibits off-campus delivery of books and subscriptions.

Faculty Research Support

The Library supports faculty research by purchasing books and other materials for individual use where appropriate.  These items remain part of the library collection but are made available on long-term checkout.  To request a book purchase, email

Contact for assistance with managing faculty office subscriptions, or to report delivery problems.  Please forward any invoices or renewal notices you may receive to the library for payment.

Textbooks for Course Reserve

The Library purchases required textbooks for day and evening sections of required and staple doctrinal courses only (see link below for list).  The textbooks kept on reserve are not intended as a substitute for student rental or purchase.  The library does not purchase other textbooks. 

Faculty who wish to place a textbook on reserve for their students are encouraged to donate a copy of the text to the library.  Review copies marked "Not for Resale" may be donated to the library.

Materials for Course Reserve

The Library purchases books and materials, other than required textbooks, for course reserve upon request. 

To request a course reserve purchase, please email Frances Brillantine at In most circumstances, the materials will be available within one week.  Rush delivery may be requested.

Suggestions for the Library Collection

The Law Library welcomes recommendations from faculty concerning new books, subscriptions and databases for the collection. Please email recommendations to: