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Faculty Scholarship

The purpose of this guide is to assist Law School faculty in the production of their scholarship.

How to Obtain Copyright Permission

Note: If you use TWEN, you can link to content available on the Westlaw system without the need for copyright clearance.

Copyright Clearance Center

CCC enables users to search for and obtain permission to use and share content from titles in law, science, technology, medicine, humanities, news, business, finance and more. CCC offers annual copyright licenses and pay-per-use licensing service.

US Copyright Office

Information on determining who owns a copyright, how to request permission and more.

Protecting & Sharing Your Work

SPARC Resources for Authors

Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) offers a suite of materials, including a full color brochure and poster, that introduce the topic of author rights on campuses.

SPARC / Science Commons Scholar's Copyright Addendum Engine

This site generates a form that can be attached to a journal publisher's copyright agreement to ensure that certain rights are retained.

Keep Your Copyrights (Columbia Law School)

Written by legal academics at Columbia Law School, this site provides information to help authors retain their rights and to grant rights.

Copyright FAQs & Copyright Circulars

This website and circular from the US Copyright office explain what is protected and how to obtain a copyright registration.

Creative Commons

Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use works through free legal tools. CC's copyright licenses provide a standardized way to give the public permission to share and use an author's work.