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profile-icon Frances Brillantine
No Subjects

West Academic recently added two audio series to their online study aids: Sum and Substance Audio and Law School Legends Audio. You can locate both series by clicking the "series" tab on West Academic Study Aids. Titles will also display in search results. Audio lectures are available for streaming only; they cannot be downloaded. The lectures are not compatible with the Android operating system at this time. West expects to add Android support in the next three months. 

profile-icon Frances Brillantine
No Subjects

The Law Library staff recently released a new research guide on Free Legal Research Resources. In law school, students have unlimited access to Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg Law, but in practice, economics often limit access to these and other fee-based databases. Free legal research sites are a good place to start new projects or get context and background information when “you don’t know what you don’t know.”

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