The US News & World Report Law School rankings began publication in 1987, although for the first few years only the top 20-25 law schools were included. Beginning in 1993, and running through 2002, Catholic Law was not assigned a numerical ranking and instead was assigned to a quartile or tier. Starting in 2003, the top 100 law schools were ranked, and more recently the top 176 schools have been ranked. The dates below refer to the publication year of the ranking not the edition.

1987 - NR

2006 - T3

1988 - NR

2007 - 98

1989 - NR

2008 - 91

1990 - NR

2009 - 94

1991 - NR

2010 - 98

1992 - NR

2011 - 79

1993 - Q2

2012 - 82

1994 - T3

2013 - 80

1995 - T4

2014 - 107

1996 - T3

2015 - 108

1997 - T2

2016 - 103

1998 - T2

2017 - 106

1999 - T2

2018 - 110

2000 - T2

2019 - 108

2001 - T2

2020 - 111

2002 - T3

2021 - 102

2003 - 84

2022 - 94

2004 - 82

2023 - 122

2005 - 85

2024 - 94